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September 3, 2024 | General / Infrastructure management / Monitoring / Software

How can GLPI revolutionize IT asset management in your company?

Effective IT asset management significantly impacts a company's operational efficiency. That’s why it's worth taking a closer look at tools that can facilitate IT asset management. One such tool, which is certainly worth considering, is GLPI (Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique).


GLPI is an open-source IT asset management system that not only helps track and manage hardware and software but also automates many processes, thus improving the efficiency of the IT team.


Screen GLPI, statistics

Source: GLPI


Why choose GLPI as an IT asset management tool?


GLPI is a versatile IT asset management tool that allows centralized management of hardware, software, licenses, and other IT infrastructure resources. Its popularity stems from the fact that it is not only free but also extremely flexible and scalable. Thanks to integrations with other systems, such as FusionInventory, GLPI can meet the needs of both small businesses and large corporations. FusionInventory, in particular, supports the automatic detection and inventory of devices, allowing for better real-time asset management.


Key features of GLPI for managers: Asset control, reporting, cost savings


GLPI offers many key features for IT managers. First and foremost, the system enables full control over IT assets through automatic tracking of hardware and software. Key features include:

  • Asset management: GLPI automatically tracks all IT assets, allowing real-time updates on hardware and software within the company. This enables precise monitoring of asset status and location.
  • License management: The system enables efficient management of software licenses, helping to avoid illegal software and optimize costs related to licenses.
  • Reporting and analysis: GLPI provides advanced tools for generating reports and analyses. Detailed reports on the IT infrastructure's status support strategic decisions on cost optimization, purchasing planning, and resource management.
  • Process automation: Automating many processes, such as software updates or service ticket management, saves time and resources, resulting in real savings for the company.


GLPI screen, GLPI helpdesk

Source: GLPI


How does GLPI improve the efficiency of the entire IT team?


Implementing GLPI in a company can significantly improve the IT team’s efficiency in several key ways. First, process automation is one of the system's main advantages. With GLPI, the IT team can automate routine tasks such as software updates or equipment inventory. This kind of automation allows employees to focus on more complex issues and projects that require their specialized knowledge and skills.


Another important aspect is incident management. GLPI supports this process by automatically assigning tickets to the appropriate departments and tracking progress in resolving them. As a result, the IT team can respond to technical issues faster, leading to shorter response times for failures and more efficient problem-solving.


The integration of GLPI with other systems also plays a key role in improving efficiency. The system can be integrated with tools such as ERP or monitoring tools, enabling even greater process automation and better management of the entire IT environment. This combination of different tools allows for smoother and more integrated asset management, which increases the overall operational efficiency of the IT team.


The GLPI implementation process in the company: What you should know


Implementing GLPI in a company requires careful planning and preparation. Initially, it is essential to define the goals the company wants to achieve with the implementation of this system. These goals may include improving asset management, cost optimization, or increasing operational efficiency.


Next, it is worth conducting an analysis of current processes and assets to tailor GLPI to the specific needs of the organization. This analysis may include identifying areas requiring automation or improvement, which will help better align the system with the company's existing processes.


Another key step is training the IT team and other system users. This training should cover both basic GLPI functions and more advanced options, allowing users to fully leverage its capabilities.


It is also advisable to plan the integration of GLPI with other systems, such as ERP or monitoring tools. Such integration enables even greater process automation and better management of the entire IT environment.


Implementing GLPI can revolutionize IT asset management in your company, bringing benefits such as cost savings and increased operational efficiency. Proper preparation and planning of the implementation process will allow you to maximize the potential of this powerful tool.



Source: GLPI


Examples of companies that succeeded thanks to GLPI


Many companies from various industries have succeeded thanks to the implementation of GLPI. Here are two examples:

  • Proma Group: Thanks to GLPI, the company automated the management of over 1,700 assets across different locations. This system significantly streamlined their decision-making processes and improved asset management.
  • Cuban Telecommunications Operator (ETECSA): ETECSA utilized GLPI and FusionInventory to automate asset tracking and maintenance across an infrastructure of over 60,000 assets. This improved service quality and accelerated response times to technical problems.

Want to Learn More About GLPI? Reach Out!


Hawatel specializes in GLPI system implementations, offering comprehensive support in installation, configuration, and integration with other systems. Our experience and knowledge allow us to tailor GLPI to the specific needs of your company, ensuring effective IT asset management. If you want to learn more about GLPI and how it can revolutionize IT asset management in your company, contact us. We are ready to assist you at every stage of implementation and provide the support you need.

See also:

GLPI, assets, Teclib, Hawatel, border


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