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December 20, 2022 | Infrastructure management / General / Monitoring

Is Zabbix a solution for large companies? What functionalities does Zabbix offer?

Zabbix is one of the leading open-source platforms for monitoring IT infrastructure, including servers, websites, and virtual machines. Its implementation enables more efficient work, increases security, and reduces costs. This is why Zabbix is very popular among large companies with extensive IT environments. Let's take a closer look at Zabbix's functionalities and see how large companies and corporations take advantage of this solution's benefits.


The roots of Zabbix go back about twenty years. During this time, the Latvian company Zabbix LLC has continuously developed its flagship product, making it one of the best-performing solutions of its kind in the world today.


Zabbix LLC's business model is based on a network of partners, one of which is Hawatel.


Zabbix what is monitoring

Source: Zabbix


Why is Zabbix a good solution for large companies?

Zabbix allows for monitoring a very extensive IT infrastructure, which is why it is often implemented in large companies that have such infrastructure within their organizations. There are several reasons why large companies choose to use the Zabbix system:

  • Scalability: Zabbix is scalable and can be used in large networks with many devices and servers.
  • Multiple functionalities in one place: Zabbix offers a wide range of features, such as monitoring the availability and performance of network devices, servers, databases, and applications. It can also be used to generate reports and alerts about network irregularities.
  • Easy integration: Zabbix can be easily integrated with other IT tools provided by companies such as Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Jira.
  • Flexibility: Zabbix can be customized to individual needs and requirements using a wide range of plugins and extensions.
  • No licensing costs: Zabbix is an open-source tool, so anyone can use it completely free of charge.
  • Support: The tool's creator offers extensive documentation and technical support. Zabbix partners also offer support, so if you have any questions about implementation, write to us!


All these advantages of Zabbix are widely appreciated by many companies worldwide. This is why the tool is downloaded over four million times a year.


Zabbix detect problem

Source: Zabbix


Why monitor IT infrastructure?

It is worth asking the basic question: why should you monitor IT infrastructure in a company, and what will Zabbix be useful for?


First and foremost, monitoring servers and IT infrastructure directly impacts security. They are important components of the company and contain valuable data and confidential information. Therefore, constant supervision of this data helps protect against cyberattacks and other security threats.


Another important reason is the availability of company resources and performance. No organization can afford downtime and data loss or work results to function effectively. Monitoring helps avoid technical problems and malfunctions, which is why large companies oversee their IT infrastructure. Moreover, monitoring ensures the quick and smooth operation of applications and other devices, translating into better efficiency and productivity for the company.


Finally, savings. Taking care of servers helps save money on costly repairs, potential compensation related to data leaks, or system outages due to failures.


That's why large organizations monitor IT infrastructure. Why should you implement Zabbix for this task instead of investing in another tool? Let's find out.


Zabbix logo


Zabbix vs. the competition. Why is it better?

Many solutions are available on the market for monitoring IT infrastructure. Why do clients most often choose Zabbix? The main reason is the Zabbix team itself and how the company approaches the development of its solution. We mean the following factors:

  • Regular release of new versions
  • Almost immediate patching of detected security vulnerabilities
  • The ability to purchase official support from Zabbix
  • Two version standards – LTS (Long Term Support) and Standard
  • Unparalleled stability compared to the competition
  • Participation in regular webinars about the solution
  • Official training and a multi-level certification program
  • Regular publication of information about Zabbix functionalities (company blog and newsletter)
  • Organization of regular on-site or remote events
  • A clear roadmap for the development of the solution
  • Very responsive Zabbix employees and friendly contact

Monitoring IT infrastructure is essential for the proper functioning of operations in a large company. Most of them choose Zabbix, which has become one of the most popular tools in this field due to its appropriate functionalities and lack of fees.


Want to learn more about implementing Zabbix? Let's talk


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